In this section, we will show you how to generate vector tiles.
First of all, you can understand our toolkit’s whole procedures in the below image.
System Diagram
participant db as PostGIS
participant user as User
participant vt as vt
participant style as mapbox-stylefiles
participant mapbox as Mapbox Studio
participant action as Github Actions
participant ghpages as gh-pages
db->>vt: GeoJSON
Note over vt: tippecanoe
vt->>user: mbtiles
user->>mapbox: Upload mbtiles
mapbox->>mapbox: Edit Mapbox Stylefiles
Note over mapbox: Stylefile editing
db->>vt: GeoJSON
Note over vt: Once stylefile is ready
vt->>action: Upload mbtiles
action->>ghpages: Vector tiles(pbf/mvt)
Note over action: Build & Deploy
mapbox->>user: Download Mapbox Stylefiles and SVG icons
user->>user: Edit Stylefiles for gh-pages
user->>style: generate Stylefiles
user->>style: generate sprite files
style->>ghpages: Deploy Style files and Sprite files
user-->>user: Develop Web app by Mapbox GL JS
user->>action: Upload HTML/JavaScript
action->>ghpages: HTML/JavaScript
Note over action: Build & Deploy
Now, we are going to see detailly how to implement your own vectortiles.