Setup Valhalla

Create the instance on GCP

You can use GCP’s free tier program for the testing purpose. f1.micro instance in America region can be used free of charge forever.

However, when I tried to compile Valhalla on f1.micro, it can’t work well. You may need to upgrade instance type while you will compile Valhalla. e2.smal may be able to work well at least.


$ sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:valhalla-core/valhalla
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y cmake make libtool pkg-config g++ gcc curl unzip jq lcov protobuf-compiler vim-common locales libboost-all-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev $ liblz4-dev libprime-server-dev libprotobuf-dev prime-server-bin parallel
#if you plan to compile with data building support, see below for more info
$ sudo apt-get install -y libgeos-dev libgeos++-dev libluajit-5.1-dev libspatialite-dev libsqlite3-dev wget sqlite3 spatialite-bin
$ source /etc/lsb-release
$ if [[ $(python -c "print(int($DISTRIB_RELEASE > 15))") > 0 ]]; then sudo apt-get install -y libsqlite3-mod-spatialite; fi
#if you plan to compile with python bindings, see below for more info
$ sudo apt-get install -y python-all-dev

$ sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
# add following 2 lines into the file.
$ vi ~/.bash_aliases
alias python="python3" 
alias pip="pip3" 

Installation and compile

Compiling process might take a bit time…

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ make -j$(nproc) # for macos, use: make -j$(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)
$ sudo make install

Build the tiles

Here, we are going to build tiles of Rwanda.

# Download osm.pbf
$ wget

# Create folders.
$ mkdir -p valhalla_tiles
$ mkdir -p elevation_tiles

# Create elevation tiles
$ valhalla_build_elevation 28.776751931346325 30.973689303919286 -2.9252966743046187 -1.0090709211361428 ./elevation_tiles $(nproc)

# Create configration file
$ valhalla_build_config --mjolnir-tile-dir ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles --mjolnir-tile-extract ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles.tar --mjolnir-timezone ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles/timezones.sqlite --mjolnir-admin ${PWD}/valhalla_tiles/admins.sqlite --additional-data-elevation ${PWD}/elevation_tiles > valhalla.json

# Create admin file
$ valhalla_build_admins --config valhalla.json rwanda-latest.osm.pbf

# Create valhalla tiles
$ valhalla_build_tiles -c valhalla.json rwanda-latest.osm.pbf

# Check your tiles
$ find valhalla_tiles | sort -n | tar cf valhalla_tiles.tar --no-recursion -T -

# Launch the valhalla server
$ valhalla_service valhalla.json 1

# Check the below URL.
curl --globoff http://localhost:8002/isochrone?json={"locations":[{"lat":-1.946357,"lon":30.059753}],"costing":"pedestrian","contours":[{"time":15,"color":"ff0000"},{"time":30,"color":"ffff00"},{"time":60,"color":"0000ff"}]} | jq '.'

# press ctrl + c to terminate valhalla

You can see the documentation about Isochrone API here

The result on your terminal should be like below.

$ valhalla_build_tiles -c valhalla.json rwanda-latest.osm.pbf kenya-latest.osm.pbf
2021/04/05 23:09:36.448293 [INFO] Start stage = initialize End stage = cleanup
2021/04/05 23:09:36.481539 [WARN] Non-empty /home/jin_igarashi/valhalla_tiles/0 will be purged of tiles
2021/04/05 23:09:36.497076 [WARN] Non-empty /home/jin_igarashi/valhalla_tiles/1 will be purged of tiles
2021/04/05 23:09:36.500313 [WARN] Non-empty /home/jin_igarashi/valhalla_tiles/2 will be purged of tiles
2021/04/05 23:09:36.540027 [INFO] Parsing files for ways: rwanda-latest.osm.pbf, kenya-latest.osm.pbf
2021/04/05 23:09:36.541720 [INFO] Parsing ways...
2021/04/05 23:10:09.405681 [INFO] Finished with 641611 routable ways containing 14714643 nodes
2021/04/05 23:10:09.820947 [INFO] Sorting osm access tags by way id...
2021/04/05 23:10:09.822863 [INFO] Finished
2021/04/05 23:10:09.867780 [INFO] Parsing files for relations: rwanda-latest.osm.pbf, kenya-latest.osm.pbf
2021/04/05 23:10:09.882279 [INFO] Parsing relations...
2021/04/05 23:10:37.054207 [INFO] Finished with 72 simple restrictions
2021/04/05 23:10:37.054446 [INFO] Finished with 0 lane connections
2021/04/05 23:10:37.134344 [INFO] Sorting complex restrictions by from id...
2021/04/05 23:10:37.135849 [INFO] Sorting complex restrictions by to id...
2021/04/05 23:10:37.136018 [INFO] Finished
2021/04/05 23:10:37.138039 [INFO] Parsing files for nodes: rwanda-latest.osm.pbf, kenya-latest.osm.pbf
2021/04/05 23:10:37.138158 [INFO] Sorting osm way node references by node id...
2021/04/05 23:12:11.570500 [INFO] Parsing nodes...
2021/04/05 23:13:51.381136 [INFO] Finished with 13786564 nodes contained in routable ways
2021/04/05 23:13:51.381545 [INFO] Sorting osm way node references by way index and node shape index...
2021/04/05 23:15:42.570426 [INFO] Finished: max_osm_id 8593165265
2021/04/05 23:15:42.570850 [INFO] Number of nodes with refs (exits) = 40
2021/04/05 23:15:42.570861 [INFO] Number of nodes with exit_to = 1
2021/04/05 23:15:42.570868 [INFO] Number of nodes with names = 85
2021/04/05 23:15:42.570901 [INFO] Number of way refs = 0
2021/04/05 23:15:42.570909 [INFO] Number of reverse way refs = 0
2021/04/05 23:15:42.570917 [INFO] Unique Node Strings (names, refs, etc.) = 96
2021/04/05 23:15:42.570924 [INFO] Unique Strings (names, refs, etc.) = 8411
2021/04/05 23:15:42.631193 [INFO] Creating graph edges from ways...
2021/04/05 23:15:53.262235 [INFO] Finished with 1364899 graph edges
2021/04/05 23:15:53.701871 [INFO] Sorting graph...
2021/04/05 23:16:03.332275 [INFO] Nodes processed. Sorting begin and end nodes by edge.
2021/04/05 23:16:04.910107 [INFO] Sorting begin and end nodes done. Populating edges...
2021/04/05 23:16:05.626580 [INFO] Finished with 1078431 graph nodes
2021/04/05 23:16:05.783283 [INFO] Writing tile manifest to /home/jin_igarashi/valhalla_tiles/tile_manifest.json
2021/04/05 23:16:05.841529 [INFO] Reclassifying link graph edges...
2021/04/05 23:16:06.609826 [INFO] Class: 0 exit count = 0
2021/04/05 23:16:06.610659 [INFO] Class: 1 exit count = 403
2021/04/05 23:16:06.610705 [INFO] Class: 2 exit count = 147
2021/04/05 23:16:06.610738 [INFO] Class: 3 exit count = 366
2021/04/05 23:16:06.610803 [INFO] Class: 4 exit count = 209
2021/04/05 23:16:06.610839 [INFO] Class: 5 exit count = 93
2021/04/05 23:16:06.610870 [INFO] Class: 6 exit count = 111
2021/04/05 23:16:06.610901 [INFO] Class: 7 exit count = 0
2021/04/05 23:16:12.556352 [INFO] Finished with 905 reclassified.  Turn channel count = 636
2021/04/05 23:16:12.596027 [INFO] Reclassifying ferry connection graph edges...
2021/04/05 23:16:32.677942 [INFO] Finished ReclassifyFerryEdges: ferry_endpoint_count = 10, 884 edges reclassified.
2021/04/05 23:16:32.936976 [INFO] Building 877 tiles with 1 threads...
2021/04/05 23:16:32.955428 [WARN] Admin db /home/jin_igarashi/valhalla_tiles/admins.sqlite not found.  Not saving admin information.
2021/04/05 23:16:32.955571 [WARN] Time zone db /home/jin_igarashi/valhalla_tiles/timezones.sqlite not found.  Not saving time zone information.
2021/04/05 23:22:31.510882 [INFO] Finished
2021/04/05 23:22:31.642744 [INFO] Node Count = 1078431
2021/04/05 23:22:31.642899 [INFO] Directed Edge Count = 2729798
2021/04/05 23:22:31.642941 [INFO] EdgeInfo Count = 1381991
2021/04/05 23:22:31.643023 [INFO] Enhancing local graph...
2021/04/05 23:22:31.914998 [WARN] Admin db /home/jin_igarashi/valhalla_tiles/admins.sqlite not found.  Not saving admin information.
2021/04/05 23:25:54.623910 [WARN] Exceeding maximum.  Average speed: 150
2021/04/05 23:25:54.626779 [WARN] Exceeding maximum.  Average speed: 150
2021/04/05 23:30:19.586500 [INFO] Finished with max_density 23.131340
2021/04/05 23:30:19.586855 [INFO] internal intersection = 3021
2021/04/05 23:30:19.604294 [INFO] GraphFilter - nothing to filter. Skipping...
2021/04/05 23:30:19.646568 [INFO] Transit directory not found. Transit will not be added.
2021/04/05 23:30:19.661688 [INFO] HierarchyBuilder
2021/04/05 23:31:17.521323 [INFO] Done HierarchyBuilder
2021/04/05 23:31:17.592629 [INFO] Creating shortcuts on level 1
2021/04/05 23:31:20.267091 [INFO] Finished with 13766 shortcuts
2021/04/05 23:31:20.267264 [INFO] Creating shortcuts on level 0
2021/04/05 23:31:20.925292 [INFO] Finished with 2652 shortcuts
2021/04/05 23:31:20.927401 [INFO] ElevationBuilder: no elevation data, skipping
2021/04/05 23:31:21.173273 [INFO] Adding Restrictions at level 2

Start launching automatically

We need to setup to launch valhalla automatically when the server restart.

  • Create starting script
$ cd ~
$ vi should be like below.

cd /home/jin_igarashi
valhalla_service valhalla.json 1
$ chmod +x
  • Create valhalla service
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/valhalla.service

valhalla.service should be like below.

Description = valhalla service


sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/valhalla.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl status valhalla.service
sudo systemctl enable valhalla.service
sudo systemctl start valhalla.service
  • see logs
journalctl -u valhalla.service
  • restart service
sudo systemctl restart valhalla.service
  • stop service
sudo systemctl stop valhalla.service